Before opening the meeting proper chairman Pete asked members to think about nominations for a temporary committee to decide on the awarding of the Steve Penaluns Trophy. Pete said he thought it important that the award should be made by members who knew Steve and could understand how he would have selected the winner.  This was readily understood and agreed.


Apologies for absence.  Just one this month - Geof Easthope who is entertaining a lady again.

Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed by the chairman.

Matters Arising.

·       Ordnance Survey Fee.  After discussion members decided that with the completion of the Site Guide there was no need for continuing the licence. Maps now used are only sketch maps and reference to the O.S. licence can be removed from the web site.

·       Training - Hang Gliding.  Graham said he done some training with Big Brian which was enjoyable and entertaining in the prevailing strong wind.

·        Training - Paragliding.  Mark reported 4 days training with 1 EP and 1 CP.

·       Competitions. Graham reported on the British Hang Gliding Series Round 2 Competition in Yorkshire. The next competition is planned for June 26th-30th at Crickhowel subject to suitable weather. Non competitors are welcome to join in the trip  for free flying or to help with retrieves.

·       British Clubs Challenge. Kernow do not qualify for the Southern Semi-finals but could compete in the Northern Semis which will be held on 12th-13th July in Derbyshire. Pete Coad, Tim and Roger Full are earmarked as the basis of a Kernow Team.

·       Festival of Free Flight. Daisy is co-ordinating, Tim said he will tow the winch up. Big Brian, Vicki,  Gay and Paul said they would be representing Kernow.  Vicki said she had made no progress toward enabling ratings to me done at the event.

·       Club Flying. Paul Howes told of the trip to Larangue with Airways. He said it was well worthwhile and excellent training. On the last flying day he did 14km and Gay made 25km but crashed on landing returning home with both arms broken - but raring to get flying again.

·       Towing.  There had been a session at cULDROSE, uneventful in spite of low flying by Pete on his FLPHG. Big Alan put in 4 launches to complete his Tow Rating.

·       XC flights. Roger reported at Highcliff to Boscastle out and return flight.

Social Events.  Graham said the Paint Balling was cancelled for lack of support. It was decided to leave such events until the winter but to aim for a club BBQ at Perran, on the beach in front of launch, in August, on a day to be fixed for weather and tide. Members to bring their own food and drink.

Other Business.

·      Truro Airfield. Alan told members that the new owner was now in occupation. For the time being there is only occasional activity including helicopter operations but this may change and we should take care when flying in the vicinity.

·      Air Charts. Alan said he was advised to wait a week or two before ordering in case of imminent alterations.

Members Forum.

·      Chairman Pete said “Well Done” to Kathy for her work on the Bulletin and thanks to all contributors.  How about some PG items?
